Elvis Alexandrino

BI Covid-19

Dashboard Covid-19

This project was development in my job. It serves for Covid-19 data analysis in the company and in the world. Because there was a need with increase in cases in the world and in the country. This company has many services on Brazil and seeing to the problem the pandemic it needed to do some action for take care for your employees and fist providence went analyze the data.

I developed this project using 2 technologies. I used the database Microsoft SQL Server for save data. The data company was sought in a system developed in the company for employees answer questionnaires daily through a website or Bot WhatsApp and the data in the world we use were data to the GitHub after we analyze and validate. Other technology was a data discovery Microstrategy Web for develops the dashboard.

I will speak about some dashboards now.

“Análise COVID-19: Brasil Cidades em Média Móvel”:

This dashboard serves for analysis to the moving average cases and deaths in the country (Brazil) by cities. This graphic has values in bars with number diary cases and values in line with average of the last 7 days. Thus, we can take the effect of the weekends without results from the laboratories. And so, we can have an analysis more accurate covid-19 contamination progress in company. I used 3 filter states, cities and dates.

“Análise COVID-19: XXX Funcionários Gráficos”:

This dashboard serves for analysis to the contamination progress in company through internal system and Bot WhatsApp. It has all stages raised by the WHO (World Health Organization) that are in analysis, suspect, confirmed, discarded, cured, excluded and total number of cases. Beyond that I used some stages more importants for detail per establishment. I used a filter for establishment.

PS.: This panel has data covered because of the company


This was the project for my work in the beginning of the pandemic.